Webflow Layouts Certification Exam Passed

August 14, 2021

We're pleased to share that Dominic has passed Webflow's Level 1 Layouts Certification Exam.

In an increasingly competitive space, finding an experienced website designer in Hobart and Tasmania can be tricky.

Almost anyone can create a website nowadays - whether that's using an online builder or learning a specific platform.

However, this doesn't always mean that the website will be built correctly or, importantly, be successful beyond the initial launch.

At Wakeford Digital, we've been using Webflow for over 5 years now, since the relatively early days of Webflow starting up as a no-code, website design solution.

Having previously used platforms including Joomla, Dreamweaver, Wix, Squarespace and Wordpress - Webflow was a refreshing solution for it's design freedom but also simplicity of use; not only for the Wakeford Digital team but also clients using the inbuilt Editor.

Expertise and experience in delivering professional and affordable website design in Tasmania is crucial in today's landscape - and with this in mind, we're really please to share that Dominic has passed Webflow's Layouts Certification Exam (Level 1).

Although the certificate leaves a bit to be desired and the Webflow exams are still in a beta state; this achievement demonstrates a deep understanding of the Webflow platform.

What does this certification mean for our current and future clients? It means we're backed up in delivering high quality website design to businesses, organisations and individuals in Hobart and Tasmania.

We have had a heap of work on over the past few months, including a handful of launches as well as keeping busy over at Wakeford Digital with our videography work; and we look forward to sharing this with you soon.

blue and white certificate image showing Dominic graduated Webflow Certification
profile image of dominic standing on timber board walk on bruny island looking
by Dominic Anastasio
Owner and Creative Director Wakeford Digital

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