SEO Hobart - Affordable Search Engine Optimisation Campaigns For Small Businesses

Improve search rankings and get found online with a tailored, affordable SEO campaign.

image of five orange stars

"Clients said they booked with us because they found us on page one and we had the best website."

Matthew Stone (Owner - Trout Tales Tasmania)

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Is your website lagging on page 32 of Google?

Only 0.78% of Google searchers click on results from the 2nd page (source: Backlinko)...

You've heard of this fancy term search engine optimisation (or SEO) before but may not know what it is or where to start -  meanwhile your competitors seem to be getting all the website traffic and are being found on page one.

We know lots of business in Hobart and Tasmania face the same problems with SEO, such as it's a money draining strategy or it's only useful for big businesses.

We're out to change this - delivering targeted and affordable SEO campaigns for small business in Hobart who want results.

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Key Features

Rank higher in search engines

Considered SEO gives your website every chance to be found better online.

Increase sales and enquiries

Deliver a better user experience and drive more sales and enquiries.

Rank locally in Tasmania

Get found by your ideal visitors with local SEO here in Tasmania; including Google My Business.

Local SEO Hobart

What are the benefits of SEO to small businesses in Hobart?

In short, optimising your website for search engines can increase sales and drive more enquiries because it helps your website ranks higher than others.

Other benefits include:

  • standing out from your competition;
  • increase sales direct from your website;
  • more enquiries on your services;

But, what is SEO? 

SEO, or search engine optimisation, is a combination of strategies performed on a website that aim to improve visitor experience but also help your website get found better for relevant search terms.

At Wakeford Digital, we specialise in SEO Hobart for small businesses - delivering tailored SEO campaigns to achieve impactful results.

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Search Engine Optimisation Process

Our SEO Hobart Process involves

Initial Audit: We gain an understanding of your website (either new or current) as well as the wider competitive landscape.

Keyword Research: Collating an optimised list of words and phrases your customers search to find your website online, as well as what you want to rank for.

Content Creation and Strategy: We develop a tailored SEO strategy for your business including content creation and suggestions to deliver the best results.

Implementation: We implement the strategies and content to deliver your SEO strategy.

Analyse: We regularly analyse and monitor SEO progress and continually optimise where required.

You can also check out our dedicated blog post on our SEO process for more information (coming soon!).

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Recent work

Trout Tales SEO Campaign

Trout Tales SEO Campaign

Learn how local fly fishing business Trout Tales Tasmania grew off the back of a foundational SEO campaign, improving bookings by a massive 567%.

View Project
Retreats Tasmania - SEO Campaign

Retreats Tasmania - SEO Campaign

Discover how local business Retreats Tasmania's tailored SEO strategy overhauled their digital landscape, driving a 266% surge in traffic and solidifying their market presence.

View Project

Case Studies

How digital marketing helped Retreats Tasmania increase website traffic by 266%

Discover how our digital marketing campaign for local Hobart business Retreats Tasmania led to increased rankings and enquiries, including the strategies and results in this detailed analysis.

Read Case Study

How A Digital Marketing Campaign Increased Trout Tales Bookings By 567%

Discover how Trout Tales Tasmania achieved an increase in bookings through our step-by-step Hobart digital marketing campaign success story.

Read Case Study

Frequently Asked Questions

What is SEO?

We define SEO, or search engine optimisation, as a combination of strategies you can perform on your website that aim to improve the experience for both visitors and search engines.

SEO is an effective tool that small businesses and not for profit organisations can tap into and has a range of benefits including improving search engine rankings and traffic to your website as well as increased brand awareness.

We've written a comprehensive post on SEO for small business in Tasmania which breaks down the benefits a bit more and how you can leverage SEO.

How long does SEO take to work?

Generally, the impacts of good search engine optimisation can take between 3-6 months to see online - however this depends on how much competition there is, what industry your business is in and other factors.

Unfortunately 'ranking number one on Google' isn't something that can happen overnight or can ever be promised.

At Wakeford Digital, we're about creating campaigns that are achievable and can maximise the benefits SEO may have for your business.

What can you do to help my SEO?

At Wakeford Digtal, we love seeing the benefits a considered SEO campaign brings to businesses in Tasmania.

Our comprehensive SEO analysis is done by hand (not by bots) which informs your current standings, then we use our knowledge and SEO expertise in Tasmania to develop strategies and tactics - all of which are measured to ensure results can be tracked.

This includes on page SEO strategies, such as keyword and search terms, as well as off page SEO including meta titles, descriptions and technical elements like image optimisation.

We also provide video reports on a monthly basis to break down the work done - as well as the most important bit, the progress.

View All Frequently Asked Questions

Cost and Package Information

We believe providing information on pricing is important - so the following are our indicative prices to help your decision making.

~3 Month Campaign

Small Business SEO Kickstarter Campaign

$699 ex GST

Our SEO Kickstarter campaign is the perfect solution for small business in Hobart and Tasmania to improve your website search rankings from the ground up.

What's included?

Our SEO Hobart small business kick starter is a 3-4 month campaign that includes:

  • 1 hour strategy session
  • Straightforward SEO strategy plan
  • Existing website SEO analysis
  • Keyword and phrase research
  • Identify primary keywords for each page
  • Competitor analysis and tracking
  • On-page optimisation
  • Content creation and suggestions
  • Tailored SEO recommendations to your website
  • Insight into analytics
  • Monthly video updates

You can also get a free SEO analysis for your Hobart and Tasmania business here →

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~6 Month Campaign

Bigger Business SEO Campaign

$1199 ex GST

Our SEO basecamp package is a ~6 month, comprehensive campaign for businesses in Hobart and Tasmania looking for ongoing online success.

What's included?

Expanding on our Small Business Kickstarter Hobart SEO package, the Basecamp plan provides a further in-depth and comprehensive strategy - focussing on bigger goals and a more hands on approach to content creation and updates.

Our SEO Basecamp can branch beyond technical and 'website focussed' SEO to also include short videos, digital and/or social media marketing - all determined by your current business and online goals.

Our SEO Hobart Basecamp plan is a 6-8 month campaign that includes:

  • An face to face (or online) comprehensive planning session;
  • Existing website analysis and feedback;
  • Keyword and key phrase research;
  • Competitor analysis;
  • Rank tracking to monitor and track progress;
  • Assistance with content creation and optimisation;
  • Live strategy document to track work done and current goals;
  • Tailored recommendations and suggestions specific to your website and business;
  • Monthly video updates on progress, analytics and further recommendations.

You can also get a free SEO analysis for your Hobart and Tasmania business here →

Learn More

Ready to start your next project?

Contact Dominic today for an obligation free quote and more information on starting your new website design project or existing website update.

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