4 Ways To Increase Visits To Your Website - Traffic Generators (Updated 2024)

January 1, 2023

We detail our four favourite website traffic generators that businesses in Tasmania can utilise to increase visits and create more sales and enquiries.

Having a website is a great start, but generating traffic that visit the site is a challenge many Tasmanian businesses face.

Before diving into our traffic generating ideas, you might be asking why would you want more traffic?

Some benefits of increased traffic to your website include:

  • improving your rankings on search engines;
  • helping you to get found over competitors;
  • showing you're an authority to both search engines and potential customers;
  • increasing sales and enquiries through your website;
  • raising brand awareness and social media presence;
Key takeaway - four website traffic generators are:

Search engine optimisation (SEO)
- Reviews (i.e. Google and Facebook)
- Paid Advertising
- Create Informative Content

1. Search engine optimisation (aka SEO)

Optimising or refining your website for search engines can massively improve potential traffic.

Search is often the number one source of traffic to a website (53.3% according to BrightEdge) and a higher search engine presence can increase the number of clicks to your website.

Search engine optimisation is a great way to generate traffic to your website because:

  • increase your search engine rankings higher;
  • it can be targeted to match your ideal customer;
  • improvements are often straightforward;
  • it's easily measurable;
  • it's free organic traffic;

Many businesses in Tasmania may feel they are too small to benefit from SEO or that it's out of their budget.

SEO in Hobart and Tasmania doesn't have to be complicated - with simple strategies and techniques, a website's search rankings can be drastically improved and, importantly, so can clicks and enquiries.

How to improve your SEO:

There's are simple ways you can optimise your website in house, for example testing load speed with Google's Page Speed Insights or the checking your website headings and meta information.

If you're interested in learning more about SEO and how it can improve your website traffic, check out our free SEO Analysis Report where we'll provide a video overview on your website and potential opportunities.

graph showing increase in website traffic in 2021 from SEO
SEO campaign for Trout Tales Tasmania started in December 2021 and has shown a drastic increase in website traffic.

2. Reviews (Google, Facebook etc.)

A quick search on Google now often reveals Business Pages above paid ads and organic search results.

This highlights both the importance of setting up a Google Business profile as well as getting quality reviews.

Reviews of your business and its services has can help direct drive traffic to your website by bumping you up ahead of competitors and showing that you offer a better level of service.

It's also a great way to show authority and word of mouth - which we know is important in communities like Tasmania.

How to get more reviews and increase traffic to your website:

Here are some of our tips for getting more reviews:

  • Consider putting a link to your review form for Google or Facebook in an email signature;
  • Send a follow up email to clients and customers once a job is completed, gently asking for a review;
  • Place review links in marketing campaigns such as newsletters and mail-outs;
  • Place a QR code on business cards with links to your review page (as well as your website and socials).
google view of search mobile vet hobart
With an importance on business pages, reviews through Google can help Tasmanian businesses improve their online presence.

3. Paid Advertising

Paid placements on Google, ad campaigns on Facebook or boosting posts on Instagram are effective traffic website generators.

While advertising does cost money, budgets can range from small to large and creating effective adverts is becoming increasingly easier for people of all skill levels.

The opportunity to drill down to specific demographics, interests and behaviours through a paid advertising campaign is also very beneficial for ensuring the right that messages are delivered to the ideal customer.

How to get started with paid advertising:

You can head to Facebook's Ads Manager to create a campaign, or visit the Google Ads platform for search related placements.

We also recommend reviewing your website analytics, search performance or social media insights to get a real world ideal of who is visiting your platforms.

screenshot of xero paid ad in blue that says 'send and track invoices to see when you've been paid'.
Paid advertising can be a useful way of increasing website traffic and enquiries.

4. Create Informative Content

In our age of technology, it seems anyone can post anything at anytime - however this often gets lost in the digital stratosphere.

Content is undoubtedly king and developing informative content that stands out over the noise can be a useful website traffic generator.

Examples of content that can help drive website traffic includes:

  • a blog or news area;
  • updating and refining website text;
  • social media posts;
  • infographics and tutorials;
  • podcasts;
  • videos

Creating content that stands out is also more likely to get traction on social media, not to mention rank higher on search engines.

Another benefit of generating informative content is it is often 'evergreen' - meaning you create it once and don't have to regularly maintain it, yet it still drives consistent traffic to your website.

Posting consistently can also help show customers and clients that you're engaged with your community and there's a level of reliability.

Tips for generating content to drive website traffic:

  • review your current website and social media content to see what is popular and create similar content;
  • identify gaps in what your customers or clients may be after and create content to address these opportunities;
  • save photos, videos and infographics that you personally like and use these as ideas for future content;
  • delve into creating videos or hire a professional videographer in Tasmania to help capture video content.
screenshot of trout tales tasmania blog page
Developing regular and informative content like a blog can be a huge driver of traffic.

In summary on website traffic generators ...

The above four points on website traffic generators are just some of the ideas and opportunities business in Tasmania can utilise to improve their online presence.

Personally, we're a big fan of the 'Create Informative Content' strategy as it's something that can be done relatively quickly and affordably in-house.

SEO would be our second choice as the benefits of organic traffic can be long lasting and improvements can be simple.

If you're interested in how SEO can benefit your Tasmanian business, we recently redeveloped our SEO Hobart services, which now focus on straightforward, cost effective SEO campaigns.

You can also fill in our form to get a free SEO analysis report for your website and we'll send through a video overview and some ideas on how to improve your search engine rankings.

As always, we're here to help - so if you'd like any further advice don't hesitate to get in touch via our online contact form or with Wakeford Digital on social media.

Thanks for reading!

- Dom

profile image of dominic standing on timber board walk on bruny island looking
by Dominic Anastasio
Owner and Creative Director Wakeford Digital

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