Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Trout Tales SEO Campaign

Learn how local fly fishing business Trout Tales Tasmania grew off the back of a foundational SEO campaign, improving bookings by a massive 567%.


Matt Stone

Project Problem Statement

Trout Tales Tasmania faced a significant challenge in the digital space as their online visibility was not reflective of the quality of services they provided.Furthermore, the previous website struggled to rank for key terms and organic traffic to the site was not at its potential.Competing with established players in the industry who had a more substantial digital footprint made the challenge even more interesting also.Despite this, the primary goal was clear: elevate Trout Tales Tasmania's online presence, improve rankings for primary keywords, drive more organic traffic and ultimately increase bookings.

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Project Features

  • comprehensive SEO campaign
  • blogging and content strategy
  • improved bookings
  • increased website traffic

Project Outcomes

Through a carefully considered strategy, we've worked alongside Matt to implement three SEO campaigns each extending on the efforts of the previous one to create further enhance the online success of Trout Tales. The campaigns to date include:

Campaign 1 Overview - Analysis and Initial Optimisation
Competitor Analysis
Keyword Research
Website Design Improvement
Optimising Existing Content

Campaign 2 Overview - Strategic Content Creation
Identifying and Targeting Low-Hanging Fruit
Focusing on Primary Keywords

Campaign 3 Overview - Diversifying Content Strategy
Video Content Creation
Consistent Blog Posts

SEO Campaign One: Analysis and Initial Search Engine Optimisation

The first SEO campaign with Trout Tales was heavily focussed on getting an understanding of the fly fishing landscape within the digital space and how search engine optimisation could be used a valuable tool to drive potential customers to booking with Trout Tales.

We started by spending a fair bit of time studying competitors within the fly fishing in Tasmania space to understand which keywords were driving traffic to their sites, which not only helped in identifying potential keyword opportunities for Trout Tales to target, but also gave insights into the type of content that resonated with the target audience.

Significant keyword research revealed a range of keywords that potential customers were using to search for fly fishing experiences in Tasmania. While 'fly fishing tours Tasmania' and similar were primary keywords, we also identified several secondary keywords that could drive traffic and this helped form a part of the main strategy (coming up below).

Finally for stage one was improving on the successful existing pages, but importantly creating new, highly optimised content to target the identified keywords.

As an example, the 'best spots to fish in Hobart' post was driving traffic to the Trout Tales website, however was the primary and sole driver. We enhanced this post to double down on its authority, and followed up by initially created similar content for Launceston and Central Highlands, but also implemented a top level content strategy which led into stage two.

SEO Campaign 2: Strategic Content Creation

With a solid foundation in place and some initial wins, we shifted our focus to doubling down on content. The strategy was twofold: initially target low-hanging fruit and then zero in on primary keywords.

Instead of directly targeting highly competitive primary keywords, we first aimed for topics that had lower competition but were still relevant. Having identified opportunities in keywords such as 'trout fishing season tasmania' and the like, we set about creating longer form and highly targeted content around these search terms.

screenshot of a trout tales tasmania blog post with title 'art of casting'
Blog posts that target low-hanging fruit keywords, such as 'casting techniques for fly fishing Tasmania' have been beneficial in increasing the overall search presence.

With the initial low-hanging fruit strategy showing great success over the first two months, we began incorporating primary keywords into our strategy. Search engines like Google were recognising the Trout Tales website as an authority in the space, which was important before targeting primary keywords. This stage involved optimising primary pages (think home, about, packages) to prove informative content that was also highly optimised and organised for search engines.

SEO Campaign 3: Diversifying The Content Strategy

To further enhance Trout Tales' online presence, we diversified our content strategy, focusing on more diverse blog post topics, video content and getting our new online presence out in front of ideal clients.

Regular blog posts on topics like 'Tasmanian flies' kept the audience engaged and helped in establishing Trout Tales as an authority in the field while video has become a powerful tool for engagement and Trout Tales embraced this medium.

While organic traffic (i.e. those which come naturally through search) is always fantastic and more of a sustainable approach, with high quality blog and video content in place we started looking at an advertising strategy as a part of the wider digital marketing campaign to help get the content in front of those who will engage with it.

This included creating a newsletter as well as advertising through the growing Trout Tales social media channels in Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.


Our SEO campaign with Trout Tales Tasmania was a journey marked by strategic planning, as well as the ability to pivot and expand on strategy to achieve measurable outcomes.

The results to date haven't just been numbers on a dashboard but a reflection of the improved user experience achieved through the redeveloped website and increased visibility off the back of a targeted SEO campaign - ultimately leading to continued business growth. Some key highlights include:

Improved Keyword Ranking: By September 2023, the number of keywords the site ranked for expanded from 100 to an impressive 1043. The keyword 'Trout fishing Tasmania' has made a commendable leap, moving from position 33 initially to position 3 on Google. The number of keywords in positions 1-3 has also improved from 3 keywords, to now over 50.

Website Performance: Clicks to the Trout Tales website have seen an increase from an average of 3 to 20, with impressions surged from 100 to a notable 1,100 as of 2022 from Google Search Console data. Also in 2022, the website witnessed a substantial 212% increase in contacts, highlighting the trust and value it offered to its visitors.

Organic Traffic: Organic traffic is a vital metric when it comes to SEO, starting at 134 in October 2021 and now sitting at 1,250 at September 2023. The number of keywords the site ranked for has also expanded in this time from 212 to an impressive 1043. Backlinks were also at a lowly 21 and currently sit at 1,900.

But, what about business growth?

At the heart of any SEO strategy is the ultimate goal of driving business growth.

For Trout Tales Tasmania, the tangible results of our efforts were evident in the significant increase in leads and enquiries through the website.

Trout Tales saw a 300% growth in books in the first year of the SEO campaign, with this momentum continuing to an additional growth - seeing an increase of approximately 567% from the start of the campaign.

This consistent and substantial growth not only underscores the effectiveness of our SEO efforts but also highlights the direct impact on Trout Tales Tasmania's bottom line and its growing popularity among fishing enthusiasts.


The journey with Trout Tales Tasmania highlights the power that a considered, strategic SEO campaign can have on a business.

Through careful planning, content creation and continuous optimisation, we were able to drive significant growth for the business... however it's important to note that every business is unique, and so are its challenges and opportunities in the digital landscape.

If you're a Hobart-based business curious about your website's SEO performance, we invite you to take advantage of our free SEO analysis. Gain insights, understand your current standing, and explore the potential for growth through our free video overview.

Alternatively, if you're considering embarking on an SEO project for your business, reach out to us to discuss your project. Let's collaborate and craft a success story tailored for your business.

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