Website Design

Retreats Tasmania

Wanting to improve their SEO and enquiries - we set about redeveloping the Retreats Tasmania website to give the best foundation possible to achieve Julie and Jason's goals.


Retreats Tasmania

Project Problem Statement

While providing top-level information, the existing Retreats Tasmania website lacked in depth content about who they are and what they do and visually didn't represent the business well in the online space.

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Project Features

Project Outcomes

The Retreats Tasmania website redevelopment was launched in late May 2023, as well as the initial steps for the SEO campaign to help boost their online visibility and increase enquiries.

The first step was improving the visual elements of the website to achieve a more professional presence. This was achieved by crafting a more modern design that incorporates visual elements such as images and icons, to help direct the eye through the website, complimented by big headings and 'content hierarchy'.

Second on the list was developing the content, particularly the services pages, out further.

Previously each service only had one line of text - no where near enough to provide information to visitors let along rank well on search engines.

A new service we're offering is working alongside clients (the expert) to develop the bulk of the content for them, which not only saves time but also can help to ensure this is SEO optimised - noting that we always get client feedback.

This was the case with Retreats Tasmania, extending out general text content across the website but also primarily much further developing the services pages - which will have another iteration of work once we get initial analytical data in.

Overall, the website redevelopment and initial SEO campaign provide a much, much better foundation for Retreats Tasmania to grow from - as we really (really!) enjoyed working with Jules and Jason who are really supportive clients.

We'll aim to share some of our SEO wins soon also via a new case study.

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