Social Media Marketing and Advertising

City To Casino 2024 Social Ads

Learn more about how Wakeford Digital helped City To Casino increase their event entries by 24% through a targeted social media ad campaign and customised asset creation.


City To Casino

Project Problem Statement

City To Casino needed to create social media ads to boost entries in the lead-up to their event.

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Project Features

  • Branding to match client guidelines
  • Use of existing assets
  • Facebook and Instagram placements
  • Tailored strategy to meet a small budget
  • Customised advert creation, including text and visuals
  • Project Outcomes

    The social media ad campaign for City To Casino was designed to increase event entries and overall engagement.

    Overall, the campaign achieved 852 total link clicks and reached over 16,000 people - which both the client and Wakeford Digital were incredibly happy about from a small budget.

    One of the most impressive metric was a 6.2% click-through rate (CTR), indicating a high level of engagement with the ads (industry average is 1.5%).

    Although the total amount spent was under $150, highlighting a very small ad-spend campaign, the cost per link click was remarkably low at $0.18, demonstrating the efficiency and effectiveness of our ad strategy and targeting.

    Two distinct ad campaigns were deployed:

    1. a static single ad promoting open entries and
    2. a boosted post for the actual Facebook event.
    A range of creatives were tested and optimised to help boost entries to the 2024 City To Casino.

    Both campaigns were strategically directed to the entry page, which helped to maximise the conversion rate and make the most of the smaller budget.

    As a result, entries saw a significant increase: rising rapidly from 2,100 at the start of the campaign to the post-event total of 2,600.

    This notable growth can be attributed, at least in part, to the targeted social media ads.

    In addition to the ad campaigns, Wakeford Digital provided extra support by creating an official Facebook event for City To Casino, which further enhanced the event's online presence.

    The combined efforts led to a successful race day event, highlighting the impact of a well-executed social media strategy.

    screenshot of city to casino hobart social media ads
    Boosting the official event, combined with the static advert, helped maximise results from the smaller campaign budget.

    Project Summary

    Wakeford Digital developed and executed a targeted social media ad campaign for City To Casino, focusing on boosting event entries.

    The campaign included branding aligned with client guidelines, use of existing assets, placements on Facebook and Instagram, a tailored strategy for a small budget, and customised advert creation.

    The ads achieved significant engagement, contributing to a substantial increase in entries and the overall success of the event.

    We were also pleased to help out the 2024 City To Casino event through a launch event recap as a part of our videography Hobart services.

    For more details on our social media ad services, visit our Social Media Ads Hobart page.

    Thanks to Tim, Kim and the City To Casino team again for the opportunity to work alongside them as we look forward to further collaborations.

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